Kinauta Studio was born in El Salvador, where it is a great moment to be able to bet on new ideas, including the audiovisual creative sector, demonstrating during the last years the necessary skills as creativity, illustrative and technological techniques to develop a complete audiovisual project, In which we have worked during all these last months, ESTAMBRILO is a project that has been carried out after winning PIXELS AWARDS 2015, thanks to that we have been able to dedicate ourselves to our audiovisual project with seed capital that allows the development of our short film, related With an important aspect in our lives: THE DREAMS, this is how we are proud to be able to present the first animated short film in our country and also allows us to dream of being able to grow as a study of animation, industry and to be able to collaborate in showing the world that in El Salvador has talent, passion and professional ability to develop audiovisual projects that impact the world of animation.


Estambrilo is a small magical being that has been constructed with stamen and buttons.
He has lived for a long time among the shadows of a drawer on an old shelf until
one day she is discovered by Celeste, a ten-year-old girl who longs for affection and comfort
Celeste has lost her mother and is deeply sad, it is in these moments
In which Estambrillo becomes important for Celeste; However, Estambrilo
little by little you discover its true nature. At night, forced by a dark magic
Estambrilo will cause Celeste to have intense nightmares, everything to
feed the evil spirit that is hidden in the marsh, the Coco. But little by little
something will change in that little being and everything will be as no one had expected.


Executive Summary

Our business plan contemplates important aspects to determine the route that we must follow and the strategies to implement in order to reach our objectives as a company. In this way the organizational structure recommended for an efficient workflow, the infrastructure and computer equipment required, as well as the positions and profiles of the people required to form the ideal team of our company. Our business plan is based on a dynamic business model and that considers the different variables that are presented to fit, it is important to keep a constant revision of our business model so that we allow the adequate profitability of our company. In addition, our business plan proposes transmedia and crossmedia strategies that will be fundamental to the commercialization of our services and multimedia products, as well as the objectives of participating in fairs and festival routes that will serve as an exhibition platform for our current short film. Without being less important some financial data that reflects the investment required, the role and management of cash flows that will be necessary for the profitability of our company.

Edmundo Landaverde and Osman Hernández


Prize of $55,000 To carry out Estambrilo project.